Well, as predicted it was another busy week with very little sewing going on. Just to compound matters, on Monday I learnt just how important it is to use some kind of wrist support when cutting up fabrics - yes, less than a fortnight into this hobby and I was hit with crippling wrist strain! I took the hint and lay off for the rest of the week and invested in a sports bandage to help support my wrist - so far it seems to be doing the trick!
Anyway, hope everyone out there had a good weekend, as you can see I've done some more work on my first project, I now have a total of seven 12" x 12" squares with another three half completed. I'm still not sure how big I'm going for, as it's my first I'm thinking a single bed quilt though even that may be a tad ambitious, but then again I have never been one for doing things by halves. I'm also trying to think of a name for it, any ideas out there?

As another project to run along side, I've decided to work on a quilt for my baby nephew. He lives over in Australia but will be coming over for a visit at Christmas, so what could be nicer than something warm and bright for him to snuggle up in? I'm excited! I've ordered some more fabric (even managed to get hold of some Denyse Schmidt 'Katie Jump Rope' - not easy in the UK) and have a good idea what the design will be. Like a true Aussie, Owen loves animals and bugs - so enter lots of animal and bug fabric!
Did I mention I'm excited???
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